March 28, 2022 Hearing


  • This hearing will take place at 3:00 p.m. or upon adjournment of Session in the Senate Chamber
  • The public participation phone line will be posted closer to the hearing date.
  • Bills are heard in file order.
  • Analyses will be available closer to the hearing date.
  • Position Letters due March 23rd by 4:00 pm.

March 28, 2022 Agenda

March 28, 2022 Hearing Results

March 28, 2022 Video



SB 1393


Energy: appliances: local requirements.

2.SB 881MinLoad-serving entities: integrated resource plans.
3.SB 887BeckerElectricity: transmission facility planning.
4.SB 1164Stern
Energy: building energy efficiency: document

repository and registry.

5.SB 1261Stern
Energy assistance: residential building extreme

heat zone mitigation assistance program.

6.SB 1174Hertzberg
Electricity: resource adequacy requirements:
eligible renewable energy or energy storage
resources: transmission and interconnection.