April 7, 2025 Hearing

  • This hearing will take place at 3:00 pm or upon adjournment of Senate Session in Room 1200 of the 1021 O St. Building.
  • Bills are heard in file order.
  • Analyses will be available closer to the hearing date.
  • Position Letters due April 1st by 12:00 p.m.

April 7, 2025 Agenda

April 7, 2025 Hearing Results

April 7, 2025 Video

Measures Heard in File Order

Bill #AuthorSubject
1.SB 57PadillaData centers: tariff.
2.SB 282WienerResidential heat pump systems: water heaters
and HVAC: installations.
3.SB 377GraysonBiomethane procurement goals.
4.SB 636MenjivarElectrical or gas corporations: deferment
of payments: hardship.
5.SB 13GroveOil and gas.
6.SB 298CaballeroState Energy Resources Conservation and Development
Commission: seaports: plan: alternative fuels.
7.SB 643CaballeroCarbon Dioxide Removal Purchase Program.
8.SB 593HurtadoPower surges: ratepayer notice. (Urgency)
9.SB 698McNerneyCalifornia Solar Initiative: distributed energy resources
equipment lists.